Cloud Transformation
HMB Cloud Adoption Framework
Cloud Transformation Advisory Services
C l o u d A d o p t i o n F r a m e w o r k
Cloud Strategy
Cloud Foundation
Cloud Migration Planning
Cloud Governance
Cloud Operations
Cloud FinOps
Cloud Strategy
W h y a r e w e g o i n g t o t h e c l o u d ?
Cloud Drivers
Scalability to meet demands
Agile adaptation to change
Provisioning and procurement speed
Innovate with new services and technologies
Reduce operations and technical complexity
Business Drivers
Reduce disruptions and incidents
Capital cost avoidance on end of life assets
Cost savings on PaaS and IaaS workloads
Increase operational efficiencies
Improve the customer experience
Program Development
Review the business case
Establish a cloud adoption team
Produce and publish a vision statement
Initiate the project charter
Align IT, finance, and the business
Cloud Foundation
B u i l d i n g t h e f r a m e w o r k f o r e x e c u t i o n
Inventory Digital Estate
Design Azure Landing Zones
Identity Access Management
Security Controls MVP
Infrastructure Prerequisites
Compute and storage
Dependency assessment
Baseline security MVP
Application tiers
Analyze data
BCDR requirements
EA and tenant creation
Management group
Define implementation
Account owners
Organize resources
Policy baselines
Role based access
Resource group access
Subscription access
Approval workflow
Notifications / alerts
Modern passwords
Set Azure policy
Enforce tagging
Azure Security Center
Key management
Log analytics
Network connectivity
Network topology
Inbound / outbound
Assess firewalls
Assess load balancer
IP Planning
Cloud Migration Planning
R a t i o n a l d e l i v e r y t o t h e C l o u d
Workload Assessments
Application Rationalization
Cloud Delivery Model
Testing and Acceptance
Identify first 10 projects
Assess Non-Prod
Minimal integrations
EOL Assets
Engage App teams
App owner questionnaire
Target SaaS, PaaS, IaaS
Analyze APM data
Tech assessment
6R proposal
Organize scrum teams
Sprint planning Epics
Azure DevOps / Boards
Right size deploy
Release management
Pipelines for CI/CD
Blueprints and templates
Promote, test, fix
BCDR testing
Load testing
Performance testing
User acceptance
Stakeholder analysis
Stakeholder engagement
Communication plan
Power/interest grid
Build education plan
Build training plan
Cloud Governance
P r o c e s s e s , P r o c e d u r e s , a n d S t a n d a r d s
Policy Standards
Tagging Standards
Security Controls
Regulatory Compliance
Data and Automation
Set built-in policies
Create custom policies
Set compliance policies
Enforce tagging
Set policy assignments
Initiate PolicySets
Application name
App tier / service class
Budget approved
Business unit
Cost center
Approver name
Apply CIS controls
Set security benchmarks
Azure security center
Azure Monitor
IAM controls
Network Security
Assess compliance req.
Set audit reporting
Data classifications
Endpoint protection
Application controls
IAM controls
Infrastructure as code
Data classifications
Robotic process automation
Value in PaaS
Process run books
UI automation
Cloud Operations
O p t i m i z e , O p t i m i z e , O p t i m i z e
Run Support Baseline
Operational Compliance
Program Management
IT Service Management
Cloud Delivery Organization
Monitor health
Log centralization
Monitor subscriptions
DNS monitoring
Network monitoring
App monitoring
Policy management
Patch management
Blueprint management
Data protection
Backup management
Disaster recovery
Validate intake process
Demand management
Design management
Long term plan
Portfolio management
Agile delivery
Change management
Incident management
IT asset management
Help desk training
Cloud procurement
Service integration
Central vs Decentralized
Innovation Scrum team
Migration Scrum team
Central cloud team
App engagement
Skills transition
Cloud FinOps
M e t r i c D r i v e n C o s t O p t i m i z a t i o n
Total Cost of Ownership
Cloud Budgeting
Cost Management
Value vs Cost
Business Value
Baseline variable IT costs
Baseline fixed IT costs
5 Yr. on-prem projection
Baseline KPI’s
Variable cloud costs
5 Yr. cloud costs
CAPEX to OPEX planning
Capital Cost Avoidance
6R use case cost analysis
Target EOL assets
Right-size planning
License cost saving
Budgets and alerting
Right-size underused
Shutdown underutilized
Azure Hybrid Benefit
Reserved Instances
Speed and agility
Reductions in downtime
Operations to innovation
Provisioning time
Productive labor shift
Real time decisions
Increased communication
Simplify billing
Daily spend visibility
Unit economics
Repeatable Program Delivery
P r o g r a m P l a n w i t h A g i l e D e l i v e r y