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Unclassified Administrative Staff: Timely Notice, Non-Renewal, and Termination of Employment Revision Date:
Oregon Tech Policy
Unclassified Administrative Staff: Timely Notice, Non-Renewal,
and Termination of Employment
1. Policy Statement
Newly hired Unclassified Administrative Staff are engaged through an initial employment period
that acts as a probationary period.
When retained beyond the initial employment period, unclassified administrative staff remain
employed until such time that timely notice is provided to non-renew employment or when
termination of employment is warranted without a notice period. This policy outlines said processes.
2. Reason for Policy/Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish probationary periods for new hires, define required notice
periods for non-renewal of employment, and describe circumstances where termination without
notice may be appropriate. This policy serves to assure there is:
Consistency in how employment arrangements are administered for various levels of
unclassified administrative staff;
Consistency in how the initial employment period for newly hired unclassified administrative
staff is implemented for the various levels;
Standardization of notice periods for non-renewals;
Termination and non-renewal of employment consistent with law and HR best practices.
3. Applicability/Scope
This policy applies to all unclassified administrative staff of the university and any member of the
faculty and classified staff who accept an unclassified position.
4. Definitions
Financial Hardship: When the university is facing or anticipating budgetary shortfalls or cuts
requiring the review of staffing levels, the reorganization of departments or divisions, the possible
elimination of programs or positions, etc.
Fixed Term Contract: A fixed-term contract is an employment contract that lasts for a specified
period. This may be a useful option for an individual employed for a specific project, when paid
through a grant, etc.
For Cause: A termination for cause is justified when there is a record of misconduct, that includes,
but is not limited to: malfeasance; insubordination; violation of university policies in the area of
sexual harassment and/or other prohibited discrimination; unwillingness or inability to fully and
Responsible Office: OHR
Contact Number: 541-885-1108
Contact Email:
Revision Date
: 1/24/2024
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Unclassified Administrative Staff: Timely Notice, Non-Renewal, and Termination of Employment Revision Date:
faithfully carry out the duties of the position or otherwise render effective service; gross misconduct
in violation of Oregon Tech policies, rules, or regulations, and applicable state or federal laws.
Initial Employment Period (aka Probationary Period): The initial six (6) months of employment
of a newly hired unclassified administrative staff member. This is considered a probationary period,
wherein the employment arrangement is considered entirely at-will and the initial employment
period may be terminated at any time and for any lawful reason. Employment relationships that are
terminated during the initial employment period are not grievable.
Non-Renewal: The non-renewal of employment resulting in separation from the university may be
utilized for any non-disciplinary reason, including, without limitation, financial hardships,
reorganization/restructuring, position elimination, the expansion of job duties rendering the existing
employee unable to perform essential functions of the job or meet adjusted/expanded minimum
qualifications, or any other reason within the discretion of the president. Employment relationships
that are non-renewed are not grievable.
Notice Period: A time period defined by this policy between the employee being notified of non-
renewal resulting in seperation from the university or termination and the effective date of such
Responsible Office: The university unit responsible for developing, coordinating, maintaining
and/or implementing a university policy.
Termination: When the employment relationship is ended after a finding of misconduct or
unsatisfactory performance justifying the conclusion of the employment relationship for cause.
Employment relationships that are terminated for cause may be grieved.
Unclassified Administrative Staff: The university’s unclassified administrative staff are defined by
ORS 580-020-0006.
5. Policy
a. Initial Employment Period
When unclassified administrative staff are hired by Oregon Tech, they will have an initial
employment period of six (6) months which shall be considered a probationary period. During this
period, the employee is considered an at-will employee and may be terminated without a notice
period and without a reason provided. Notwithstanding the at-will status, during this period, the
employee should be onboarded, trained, counseled, and mentored to be best positioned for success,
including, at a minimum, monthly informal performance discussions between the direct supervisor
and the employee. All probationary period separations will be carried out in coordination with the
Chief Human Resources Officer and the divisional head.
At the successful conclusion of the initial six (6) month employment period the direct supervisor will
conduct and document a performance evaluation of the employee.
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Unclassified Administrative Staff: Timely Notice, Non-Renewal, and Termination of Employment Revision Date:
Unless the employee is issued a fixed-term contract, no additional written contracts will be issued,
until the employee separates due to reasons including but not limited to transfers to a new position,
retirement, resignation, non-renewal, termination for cause, death, etc.
Internal transfers of existing unclassified administrative staff from one position to another within
the university do not require a new probationary period. A classified staff member or faculty who
accepts an unclassified position is required to complete a probationary period.
b. Non-Renewal of Employment
When the employment of an unclassified administrative staff member will not be continued, a
written notice will be given providing at least ninety (90) days’ notice prior to the effective date of
the last date of employment. Such a notice may be issued at any time.
The non-renewal of employment may be utilized for any non-disciplinary reason, including, without
limitation, financial hardships, reorganization/restructuring, position elimination, the expansion of
job duties rendering the existing employee unable to perform essential functions of the job or meet
adjusted/expanded minimum qualifications, or any other reason within the discretion of the
During the period between notification of non-renewal and the end of the appointment, the direct
supervisor or another institutional designee may: direct the employee to continue performing the
work of their current position, reassign the employee to another position, or give one or more
special assignments. Noticed employees retain the option of voluntarily resigning or retiring, if
eligible, in lieu of non-renewal.
As a non-disciplinary measure, no reason is necessary for a non-renewal of employment. Non-
renewal is not an appropriate option when termination for cause is justified.
Employment relationships that are non-renewed are not grievable.
c. Termination of Employment for Cause
The president reserves the right to immediately terminate an employment for cause at any time. No
notice period is required.
Just cause includes, but is not limited to: malfeasance; insubordination; violation of university
policies in the area of sexual harassment and/or other prohibited discrimination; unwillingness or
inability to fully and faithfully carry out the duties of the position or otherwise render effective
service; gross misconduct in violation of Oregon Tech policies, rules, or regulations, and applicable
state or federal laws. Bases for just cause are set forth in greater detail in the Oregon Tech policy
d. Transitions between classified and unclassified administrative staff roles
A classified staff member who accepts an unclassified position is required to complete a
probationary period. If an employee moves from an unclassified position to a classified staff role,
such transitions will follow guidelines consistent with CBA and the new classified position they may
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Unclassified Administrative Staff: Timely Notice, Non-Renewal, and Termination of Employment Revision Date:
be transitioning into. Even if the employee has previously transitioned from a classified staff role
into an unclassified administrative staff role, there is no guarantee of a classified position for a
transferee to return to.
e. Transitions between faculty and unclassified administrative staff roles
A faculty member who accepts an unclassified position is required to complete a probationary
period. An unclassified administrative staff may also have a tenured, tenure-track, or a non-tenure
track faculty rank either by virtue of the terms of their initial appointment or via a transition from
their role as a member of the instructional and non-instructional faculty to an unclassified
administrative staff role. An unclassified administrative staff member with a faculty rank, even with
prior service as a faculty member under the CBA, will no longer be governed by the CBA. When
their service as an unclassified administrative staff member comes to an end, faculty members with
tenured faculty ranks may return to their service as a faculty member, unless terminated for cause.
6. Links to Related Procedures, Forms, or Information
Conflicts of Interest
Prohibited Discrimination and
Discriminatory Harassment
Prohibited Sexual Misconduct
Reporting Misconduct and Prohibited
Unclassified Administrative Staff
Grievance Process
Violence-Free Campus
7. Policy Review/Consultation/Responsible Officer
This policy was adopted pursuant to Oregon Tech’s policy review and making process. The
Responsible Officer for this policy is the university’s Chief Human Resource Officer
(Ph: 541.885.1120; e: [email protected]).
8. Policy Approval
Approved by the president on January 24, 2024.
Nagi G. Naganathan, Ph.D., ASME Fellow
Adoption Date
July 1, 2014
Revision Date
January 24, 2024